Infection and Immunity

Antibiotic Resistance

Dr. Michael Yeaman and his colleagues are conducting research that could provide a template for the creation of new weapons to fight deadly antibiotic-resistant infectious superbugs.

Bacterial Infections and Treatment

Dr. Ashraf Ibrahim is advancing the understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms and virulence factors Acinetobacter bacterial infections.

Cancer Biology and Immunotherapeutics
Women's and Children's Health

Fungal Infections and Treatment

Dr. John EdwardsDr. Scott Filler and Dr. Michael Yeaman are researching Candida and developing new antibiotics to overcome fungal infections of this type. Dr. Ashraf Ibrahim is investigating diagnosis and treatments for the fatal fungal infection, mucormycosis. Dr. Sherwin Isenberg is studying the efficacy of low-cost antifungal agents to prevent and treat certain types of eye infection in children and adults.

HIV-related Chronic Diseases ad Management

Dr. Eric Daar heads a nationally-recognized clinical research program that is generating data necessary to further reduce the incidence and mortality rate of HIV/AIDS.

Infection and Immunity
Infection and Immunity